Contents of the North CalotteForeword I. The Northern Dimension . Peter Stadius The North in European Mental Mapping ............................. 14 Päivi Maria Pihlaja The study of the North in the 18th century. Knowledge of Lapland in Europe, and Its Significance for Foreign Scholars ........................................... 25
II. Movable Frontiers Ludger Müller-Wille and Samuli Aikio Deatnu . River United, River Divided: Living With the Border in Ohcejohka, Sápmi ...................... 40 Teemu Ryymin The Rise of Nationalism and Development of Northern Norway ....................................... 54
III. Ethnic Border Demarcations . Maria Lähteenmäki The White Man.s Burden? Settlers in Finnish Lapland in the nineteenth century ............................. 70 Veli-Pekka Lehtola .The Right to One.s Own Past.. Sámi cultural heritage and historical awareness .................... 83 Jukka Nyyssönen Stepping Across the Borders. The Finnish Elements in the Identity Politics of the Samii Litto .............................. 95
IV.Towards a New North Calotte Lars Elenius Tradition and Radicalisation in the Modernisation Process in the North Calotte ........................ 110 Helena Ruotsala From Reindeer Owners to Soviet Citizens. Kola Peninsula Reindeer Management Integrated into the Modern Soviet Union in the 1920s and the 1930s .............. 123 Hanna Snellman Women Working Their Way Through Logging Camps ........ 136 Marja Tuominen A Good World after all? Recovery after the Lapland War ............................................. 148
Literature . Contributors |