Photo: Minna Rasmus


Veli-Pekka Lehtola

Veli-Pekka Lehtola (born 1957) is Professor of Sámi Culture in the Giellagas Institute at the University of Oulu, Finland. Lehtola is a (North) Sámi from Aanaar or Inari in Northern Finland.

As a researcher, Lehtola is specialised in the history of the Sámi and Lapland, in modern Sámi art, as well as in the development of the Sámi representations. He has published the book The Sámi People – Traditions in Transition in 2004 (University Press of Alaska). His main work in Finnish, Saamelaiset suomalaiset – kohtaamisia 1896-1953 (Sámi Finns – Encounters in 1896-1953 (SKS) was published in 2012. Lehtola has published thirteen books and over a hundred scientific articles in Finnish, Sámi and English, also translated to Swedish, French, German, Hungarian and Russian.

Lehtola is the head of the project of the Academy of Finland, Domestication of Indi­genous Discourses? Processes of Constructing Political Subjects in Sápmi (2015-2018), a joint project with the University of Lapland. In 2015-2016 he led the project Developing the Research Services of the Saa­mi Culture Archive of University of Oulu, funded by the Academy of Finland.

In 2016-2017, Lehtola was a visiting scholar in Senter for samiske studiar at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. As a manuscript writer, Lehtola participates  another project of the Academy of Finland in 2017-2018, Culturally and socially sustainable museum. Reframing the policies of represententing indigenous Sámi culture in the Sámi museum Siida.

In 2011, the Finnish Association of Non-Fiction Writers granted him the non-fiction writer award for his high-standard works. In 2016, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters selected him a member on his academic and scientific merits.

See Veli-Pekka's CV (pdf).


The Sámi People – Traditions in Transition (Kustannus-Puntsi – Alaska University Press)


Muitaleaddjiid maŋisboahttit (Giellagas-instituhtta)
Nuorra idealisttaid joavku vuodduđii Beaivváš Sámi Teáhtera 1980-logu álggus. 

Lasi / More...

Saamelaiset suomalaiset

Die Sámi – Traditionen im Wandel

Lese mehr...



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