Doctoral hat in hand

Sucked into the world of university and research again in the 1990s. The doctoral thesis was born in 1997 in the rush of other book projects. Opponent professor Liisa Saariluoma on the left and custos Liisi Huhtala in the middle. Photo: Kalle Kuittinen.



The Sámi People – Traditions in Transition (Kustannus-Puntsi – Alaska University Press)


Muitaleaddjiid maŋisboahttit (Giellagas-instituhtta)
Nuorra idealisttaid joavku vuodduđii Beaivváš Sámi Teáhtera 1980-logu álggus. 

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Saamelaiset suomalaiset

Die Sámi – Traditionen im Wandel

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